Editor - Rich text
- Full name: \Gibbon\Forms\Input\Editor
- Parent class: \Gibbon\Forms\Input\Input
- __construct — Create a tinyMCE rich-text editor input.
- setRows — Set the textarea rows attribute to control the height of the editor box.
- showMedia — Set whether the media bar for upload and quick inser is available.
- initiallyHidden — Set whether the editor input is initially hidden.
- allowUpload — Allow resources to be uploaded through the editor window.
- resourceAlphaSort — Sets the sort order for resource upload.
- initialFilter — Sets a filter for resource upload.
Inherited from Element
Inherited from Input
- setRow
- addValidationOption
- addValidation
- isValidatable
- hasValidation
- getValidationAsJSON
- getValidationOutput
Inherited from InputAttributesTrait
- setName
- getName
- setValue
- getValue
- loadFrom
- loadFromCSV
- setSize
- getSize
- isDisabled
- setDisabled
- getDisabled
- isRequired
- setRequired
- getRequired
- readonly
- setReadonly
- getReadonly
- setTabIndex
- getTabIndex
Inherited from Element
Inherited from BasicAttributesTrait
- setID
- getID
- setTitle
- getTitle
- setClass
- addClass
- removeClass
- getClass
- addData
- getData
- getAttributeString
Create a tinyMCE rich-text editor input.
Editor::__construct( string $name, string $guid )
Set the textarea rows attribute to control the height of the editor box.
Editor::setRows( integer $count ): self
Returns Self: This method can be chained.
Set whether the media bar for upload and quick inser is available.
Editor::showMedia( boolean $value = true ): self
Returns Self: This method can be chained.
Set whether the editor input is initially hidden.
Editor::initiallyHidden( boolean $value = true ): self
Returns Self: This method can be chained.
Allow resources to be uploaded through the editor window.
Editor::allowUpload( boolean $value = true ): self
Returns Self: This method can be chained.
Sets the sort order for resource upload.
Editor::resourceAlphaSort( boolean $value = true ): self
Returns Self: This method can be chained.
Sets a filter for resource upload.
Editor::initialFilter( string $value = '' ): self
Returns Self: This method can be chained.